About Me

I am a passionate gamer with a 2:1 BSc in Game Development from Staffordshire University. I trained primarily in Unity and have experience with Unreal as well from University. During my year out I have experimented with other technologies such as Godot.

My hobbies include Morris dancing, playing D&D and volunteering with the Scout Association.

Uni Projects

3rd Year projects

My final year of University consisted of 2 main modules, My Final year project (FYP) and Mobile Dev. It also contained a 6 week group work project and a smaller module working in UE5, Game Mechanics Programming (GMP)

Mobile Dev
(Very Hungry Snake)

C# || Unity

From a vertical prototype in semester one to full game in semester two, this project saw the creation of a mobile game in Unity, a twist on snake, where you get a set of apples to collect, after which a new area opens up, allowing for you to proceed. Including two game modes, a shop and a leader board along with AD and IAP integration.

Games Technology Research Project (FYP)

Research project || C# || Unity

My final year project saw me look at various procedural level generation processes. Ultimately building one of these generation methods in Unity and testing this solution by comparing it to hand made levels.

Studio Sim

Group Project || C++

Studio Sim was a group project carried out over 6 weeks in a group where I helped build a game in the engine made by the other half of the team. My part involved building the magnet that can pull or push objects in the environment along with the code for the moving platforms in the game.

View the Github

Game Mechanics Programming

C++ || UE5

Game Mechanics programming was a one semester project where I built a node climbing system in Unreal Engine 5. This involved using C++ to create a player controller that could detect climbing holds, these holds held the direction and lock point of the player allowing the controller to snap to the climb point. The player could then lean left and right to allowed for a jump in the following direction.

Post-Uni Projects

Very Hungry Snake Godot

Godot || C#

After university I began to work out what I wanted to try and experiment with. I decided to begin to learn Godot because it is different from the engines I have used in the past and I like the idea of learning an engine that is open‑source.
To begin learning what the engine can do and how it differs from Unity I decided to re-create one of my uni projects (Mobile Dev) in Godot, reusing assets and the logic for some aspects, like world generation, so I could focus on differences in the engines.

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